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Base 3 News

14th January 2019 – by Miss McKinnon
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What a brilliant first week back Base 3 have had! We have been lucky enough to welcome three new children to Base 3 this week: Madison, Noah and Isaac. We have loved having them join Base 3 and it is lovely to see how well they have all settled in already.

Our theme this term is 'Water' so we started the week by introducing our new book, 'The Wind in the Willows', which the children are very excited about, and began to think about how this could be linked to our theme.

In Literacy, the children looked at chapter 1 from 'The Wind in the Willows'. We thought about who the main characters of the story were so far and what we knew about them from reading the text. We talked about finding information from the text and how we can infer meaning from this. We made sure we had lots of evidence to support our ideas! The children discovered that mole had never seen a river before! We decided to write an amazing description of one for him using a range of adjectives, adverbs and even similes!

We are looking at rivers as part of Water theme. We started off by thinking about the various wildlife that surrounds a river, and comparing this to our story, The Wind in the Willows. We began by looking at the different types of diet that these animals have, being herbivores, carnivores or omnivores, which links nicely with our Science topic. We finished the week by using our sketching skills to draw the river wildlife, which you will be able to see on our new topic display.

In Maths, we have been looking at the properties of shape. We have learnt what acute, obtuse and right angles are, how to compare them and identifying them within shapes. We then thought about the various lines that we might find within shapes such as, horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular as well as learning how to accurately measure in cm and mm. This week we will be using all of our knowledge of properties of shapes to identify, describe and sort a range of 2d and 3d shapes.

Keep reading at home (nearly everyone has reached the top of the reading challenge now), practicing spellings and your times tables. There was a huge improvement in the children's times tables last term and this is definitely due to the hard work they put in when practicing at home, well done!

A super start to the term Base 3, well done!

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