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Wrenbury Primary School uses the Cheshire East SEND Toolkit as its Graduated Response to SEND. The Toolkit is a large document so individual sections that may be of interest are:

Graduated Approach for Early Years

Graduated approach in school

The Needs Assessment Process

Our SENDco at Wrenbury is Mrs Rebecca Charlesworth, who can be contacted through the school office or via rcharlesworth@wrenbury.cheshire.sch.uk

The school's SEND policy and Accessibility Plan can be found in the attached documents..
The school's SEND Information Report can be foundhere. This document should be read alongside the SEND policy.
The school's SEND Governor report can be read here.

The Cheshire East Live Well pages provide a wealth of information. The followinglinkwill take you to the home page where you will find its local offer.

Cheshire East's information and advice service can be found by clicking here

© 2024 – Wrenbury Primary School