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Miss Phillips is our PE Subject Lead. Our PE curriculum 2023-24 can be found at the bottom of the page.


At Wrenbury Primary School we believe that physical activity is vital to the development of the pupil as a whole. It contributes to the pupils' physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and social development. It also raises aspirations and it makes a positive contribution to pupils' experiences of school life. The opportunity to increase in skill and creativity is not only an enjoyable experience in itself, but it can also develop other achievements such as: sequencing and graphing skills that relate to mathematics; language skills when listening to instructions and providing feedback about performances; knowledge of the body in action in science; creative skills during dance.

Through physical education, we aim for our children to:
Master fundamental movement skills and techniques such as running, jumping, throwing and catching.
Develop agility, balance and coordination to support in their holistic development.
Develop physical control and fitness in flexibility, strength etc.
Become more skilful and intelligent performers, acquire and develop skills, perform with increasing control, competence and confidence in a range of physical activities and contexts.
Learn how to select, develop and apply skills and ideas, which suit activities that need different approaches and ways of thinking.
Set targets for themselves and, where appropriate, compete against others individually and with team cooperation.
Improve their observation skills and the ability to describe and make simple judgements on their own performance and that of others, and to use their observations and judgements to improve that performance.
Take the initiative, lead activities and focus on improving aspects of their own performance, as well as being positive role models.
Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and environments.
Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activities, competition and discover their own aptitudes and preferences for different activities, producing well-balanced young people.
Develop an understanding of the effects of exercise on the body, and an appreciation of the value of safe exercise, combined with an appropriate diet and active lifestyle.
Make a positive contribution towards the future of sports in the local community through linking with local clubs, including promoting such clubs and encouraging and facilitating pupils to join them.
To competitively in team sports or activities, giving children the chance to win and lose with grace and dignitary.
To increase empathy with other students through excellent sportsmanship.


School staff work closely with the coaches (Little Sports Coaching) to ensure the profile of PE in school is high. Medium termly planning for PE is completed by our PE subject lead in collaboration with LSC, based on a progressive curriculum of teaching skills and games. These are directly linked to the competitive opportunities on offer through Crewe and Nantwich School Sports Partnership, so that children have the skills and confidence to compete.
Physical education at Wrenbury is provided through a well-balanced programme of lessons, which include games, gymnastics, dance and athletics. Children receive over 2 hours of PE a week from specialist coaches. Within this time the children are focusing on developing a key skill and a sport/game where their key skills can be applied. As PE can play an important role in the wellbeing of our children, there is a 'heart, hand, body and soul' element in each lesson.
KS2 children undertake a 12 week course of swimming lessons every year.
Upper Key Stage 2 children attend a residential to undertake outdoor adventure activities.
At Wrenbury, we provide our KS1 and KS2 children, regardless of ability, with a range of opportunities to participate in sporting competition and be part of a team. We subscribe annually to Crewe and Nantwich School Sports Partnership (CNSSP), participating in a range of competitions across the school year including football, athletics (Townsports and Indoor athletics), Boccia, cricket, basketball, tag rugby, Quad Kids, tennis, dodgeball and participate in Games for All held termly for Crewe and Nantwich schools.

We hold an annual competitive Sports Day, where children are actively encouraged to compete in each race.

PE and Wellbeing – Implementation

At Wrenbury Primary School, we believe that happy children make happy learners and therefore the children's wellbeing is at the forefront of everything that we do.
The Wrenbury Walk (two laps of the school grounds) is undertaken at least twice weekly which is a form of gentle exercise that supports the children's mental wellbeing.
Physical activity is also encouraged at playtimes and lunchtimes. Trained playleaders organise games and activities for children of all ages.
Across the school year, extra curricular clubs are offered by staff and LSC including football, netball, tennis, athletics, maypole dancing and A Change for Life club to promote sport as a healthy life style choice. When opportunities arise for specialist coaching, the school will offer it to our children (for example a cricket course led by the local cricket club, Cheshire Cricket).
During our Health and Wellbeing Week in the summer term, we organise a range of taster activities including yoga, personal trainer led sessions, tag rugby, crown green bowling, trampolining, floor gymnastics and Scootability, all provided by local community organisations and specialist coaches.


When children leave Wrenbury Primary School, they leave with a secure understanding of how to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle. We celebrate our pupils' interests and achievements in sport and physical activity throughout their time in school.

The school has won the Sainsbury's GOLD School Sports Award for all consecutive years annually from 2017-2022
Current achievements
-Sainsbury's Sports Award -- Gold
-Townsports -- Division A (3 divisions)
-Hockey Level 2 winners Crewe and Nantwich

Contact Us

01270 260656

Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich

Wrenbury Primary School
© 2025 – Wrenbury Primary School