Phonics and early reading
Mrs Evans is our Phonics lead.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1 we follow the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised' scheme. the sounds are taught in phases and sets.
To support early ready development, at Wrenbury we aim to provide children with two books to take home at least weekly: a 'learning to read' book, which will be closely linked to their phonics learning and a 'love to read' book, a book that they simply wish to enjoy. This may be a picture book or a book beyond their reading ability that they would like an adult to read to them.
Learning to read
These books are aimed at supporting the children's stage of phonics learning, and require the children to focus on applying their phonic skills. Some of these books may focus on one repeated sound pattern in simple sentences, whereas others may have more than one sound in a range of simple sentences. Please be assured that the books chosen are closely matched to phonic learning in class.
Loving to read
These are books to love, enjoy with another person, listen to and talk about as part of the enjoyment of the whole reading experience – reading for pleasure. These allow children to listen to stories/ vocabulary and ideas which, if based on their reading skills, wouldn't be accessible to them. It also allows the children to simply enjoy a story or non-fiction book, a poem or a magazine – whatever the child chooses.
We believe that this pairing of approaches will help to provide the best foundations for developing our children's reading skills, whilst immersing them with a wonderful love of reading for pleasure.
Here is the link to the Little Wandle 'resources for parents' page.
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich