At Wrenbury, we strive for our school to be a place where everyone has a sense of self, a sense of place and a sense of belonging both within our rural community and the wider world; where everyone in our school family is valued for their uniqueness and individuality because 'we all matter'.
We believe that our Relationship Education R(S)E needs to run alongside Personal Social Health and Economic curriculum as well as supporting our pupil's mental and physical health and wellbeing and teaching them how to keep themselves safe both on and offline.
A comprehensive curriculum is planned and delivered. The basis for our R(S)E curriculum is the Christophe Winters Project with specific age appropriate themes taught to individual year groups across the school year.
Wellbeing is a priority at Wrenbury. We start the day with the children identifying their feelings using the Colour Monster and being supported on an individual basis should they identify themselves as feeling worried or sad or confuded. The school has been funded for a second year to deliver the myhappymind programme to all age groups weekly to support the children's positive mental health. Alongside these we host Wellbeing Lunch Clubs. This year's termly themes focus on: Feeling and Keeping Safe; There are No Outsiders in our School; Being me – Understanding my Feelings and Emotions.
Some aspects of the curriculum plan are delivered to a class or a key stage. These may be as weekly lessons eg Physical Education but also focused session(s) eg Bikeability for Y5 and Y6 at different times of the year or the Wrenbury Walk that is integrated into the week. They may be delivered through a whole school theme such as Anti-bullying week in November or our Health and Wellbeing Week in the summer term. Equally they may be delivered through an assembly led by a visitor or through a focused day such as Internet Safety Day in February.
We want to nurture happy, healthy and hopeful children prepared for tomorrow through our RSE/PSHE and Wellbeing Curriculum..
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich