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'Every human is an artist,' Don Miguel Ruiz

Mrs Cador is our Art Subject Lead. Our Art and Design Curriculum 2023-24 can be viewed in the attachment below.

At Wrenbury we aim for our children:

  • To develop their experiential knowledge and to build their self-knowledge.
  • To evaluate and analyse the works of great artists, in order to take inspiration to use in their individual work
  • To develop their ideas and record their experiences creatively
  • To master techniques in order to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design.
  • To understand that art can reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

At Wrenbury, we follow the National Curriculum but use the Accessart curriculum as the basic for planning our teaching and learning in art, ensuring that our children's learning of skills and techniques is progressive and builds on their prior learning and experience. Children have lessons in which they experience and learn the skills, crafts and techniques of art in a range of medium: painting and drawing, malleable materials, collage, textiles, sculpture and printing. They have opportunities to explore and investigate tools and techniques and to develop their skills and ideas in sketchbooks. Where possible, the stimulus for our art teaching is linked to other areas of the curriculum through our our literacy-led Learning Journey themes to make it more meaningful and to help the children deepen their learning within the subject and across subjects. When in our art lessons, our children ask themselves; 'What does it mean to be an artist?' as, in our lessons, this is what they become. Within each units of work undertaken, the children learn about artists and crafts people, their work and their influence, some known worldwide and some lesser-known. They understand that art is a subjective subject; when we look at a piece of art, we will have an emotional response to it. We may not always like the art work but we can learn to appreciate it and learn from the artist. At Wrenbury, we provide opportunities for the children to discuss and appreciate a range of artwork including those of their peers.

Art at Wrenbury is not just confined to our art lessons; it is also used and applied by the children to enhance the presentation of their learning in their Learning Journey books eg a water-coloured map, an observational drawing in science, the crafting of a page. Themed art works and paintings are shared with the children both in their art lessons and in art appreciation assemblies led by Mrs Cador, where possible linked to key events happening in school, nationally or seasonally.

We endeavour for our children to leave Wrenbury feeling positive and confident about their own art works, whether these are informal 'drafts'/sketches or a final piece. We want them to know that art in its making is subjective – a response to the imagination; a desire to say something that cannot always be expressed in words, or a representation of reality; it can be an interpretation or an investigation. We want our children to understand that art can be created for pleasure; for oneself or for an audience. We wish to have nurtured their artistic appreciation and having extended their knowledge and understanding of all genres of art, for them to have an understanding of the artistic process through a variety of media. To this end, they will be confident when using a range of techniques and skills to individually express themselves creatively. We want our children to gain a knowledge of different artists, designers and craftspeople and their influence. We want, above all, for our children to feel proud of their creativity having shared their work with their peers, their school family in the displays within the shared areas or with a wider audience in exhibitions hosted by the Nantwich Educational Partnership.

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01270 260656

Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich

Wrenbury Primary School
© 2025 – Wrenbury Primary School