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Well being Lunch Clubs

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Each week, all the children in years Y3-6 will spend one lunchtime (30 mins) with a key adult engaging in the social situation of eating lunch together and taking part in meaningful conversation.

Why do we do this and what do we want to achieve for our children?
Our aim is to develop and secure the social, emotional and mental well-being of all our children.
-Let every child know they matter
-Give every child a voice
-Encourage self-belief and for each child to know that they have someone who believes in them
-Build each child's confidence to use their voice and share their problems
-Give each child someone who will listen to them (other than their teacher/teaching assistant)
-Make each child feel safe
-Ensure each child enjoys the time they share together and has fun
-Provide the children with strategies to 'cope' with tricky or difficult situations
-Each child is well-known to adults beyond the classroom
-Build each child's friendship groups across the school

...because we all matter

-Turn taking
-Good listening
-Self management
-Self awareness
-Social awareness
-Relationship skills
-Responsible decision making

The Spring 2023 theme is: No Outsiders in our School
The Autumn 2022 theme was: Feeling and Keeping Safe

Themes for our Well Being Lunch Clubs have included: Understanding our feelings and emotions, No outsiders in our School; Friendship Terrace; Action for Happiness; Rights of the Child all using children's story books, photographs or other stimuli to lead discussions.

Contact Us

01270 260656

Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich

Wrenbury Primary School
© 2025 – Wrenbury Primary School