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Ms Carden is our Geography Subject Lead. Our Geography Curriculum 2023-24 can be found at the bottom of the page.

At Wrenbury, we feel that a sense of self and a self of belonging through a 'sense of place' is vital for our children and a significant part of this is and understanding of our place in the world, where we live and how this connects us to those who live in England, the UK, Europe and around the globe. Our themes are underpinned by our golden thread of 'What does this mean to me, why does it matter?' This thread supports our children to understand the different elements of geography and deepens understanding.
Through our geography curriculum, at Wrenbury, we aim:
-to inspire in our children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
-for the children to know about places and people; resources in the environment; physical and human processes; formation and use of landscapes in order to develop a broad locational knowledge and helping them to establish a sense of identity and understand their place in the world.
-to develop and nurture inquisitive minds and to equip the children with skills in order to find answers to their geographical questions; collecting and analysing data; using maps and globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping to name and identify countries, continents and oceans.
-for our children to be able to communicate information in a variety of ways.
-for our children to learn beyond the classroom through fieldwork studies and educational visits.
-to develop their skills and build their knowledge as they progress through school.

In EYFS, learning is tailored to the needs and interests of the children, providing opportunities, experiences and challenge in the 'Understanding the World' area of learning, with a focus on People and Places and Culture and Communities; this leads into Key stage 1 and 2, where Geography is planned from the statutory programmes of study within the National Curriculum and focuses on developing their locational knowledge, their understanding of physical geography

Our geography curriculum is planned into our Literacy-led termly Learning Journey themes where possible, to make the learning more purposeful and meaningful; to provide opportunities for deeper learning and to help the children to know more and remember more. However, where links might be considered tenuous, geography is taught as a discrete subject.

When in our geography lessons, our children ask themselves; 'What does it mean to be a geographer?' as in our lessons, this is what they become. Our geography teaching is led by an enquiry question, with the aim of sparking curiosity. Prior learning is revisited as the children consider what previous learning may help them to make connections and support them with their enquiries.

To be able to answer their enquiry question, the children are given a range of carefully considered quality resources including a range of maps and photographic evidence (and via the Geographical Association) and are taught to understand these and take learning from them. The learning in geography becomes even more meaningful for our children through local studies and fieldwork and using the backdrop of not only the village (canal, railway, farming) but Nantwich and beyond as the stimulus for a deeper understanding. Our children are supported to ask questions, create ideas and make connections about the resources they are presented with which in turn helps them to answer their enquiry question. At the end of a unit the children will consider a discussion point which will allow them to collate all their learning, show their depth of understanding and debate different opinions with their peers.

By the end of KS2 children at Wrenbury will:
Understand the cause and effect of different physical and human processes, how their actions affect the world around them and those who live in it and how to make a positive contribution.
View themselves as global citizens, know their place in the world, and be able to question human behaviour in order to sustain and improve the environment.
Be well prepared with the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage of their learning journey at high school.

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01270 260656

Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich

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