Leadership and Management Committee Terms of Reference 2022
Membership: The committee shall consist of not less than four governors. Membership should
include the Head-teacher and at least two non-employees. The committee may make
recommendations to the governing body for co-option of non-governors members
and advise whether or not such members should be given a vote.
Quorum: Three governors including a governor who is not an employee of the school.
Meetings: At least once per term and more frequently if deemed necessary by the Chair or by
the majority of members.
Chair: Non-employee to be elected by the full governing body.
Accountability: The committee will report back to the governing body by submitting minutes which
record decisions made, actions to be taken and/or recommendations for
This committee has strategic oversight of the school in relation to:
-Vision, values and ethos
-Strategic Planning
-Finance, including Budget setting, and the School's Financial Values Standard
-Staffing, recruitment and sustainability / affordability
- to oversee the strategic framework, established by the governing body, within which the Headteacher and staff run the school and to focus on standards and school improvement as defined in Manual of Internal Financial Procedures (MoIFP)
- to contribute, in collaboration with the head and staff, to establishing, monitoring and evaluating sections of the School Improvement Plan relating to the leadership, finance, staffing and management of the school
- to keep relevant sections of the Self-Evaluation Document under review and update as necessary
- to establish, monitor the impact of, and review all the school's plans, policies and procedures relating to staffing, finance, leadership & management (full list and cycle in appendix A)
- to draw up the annual budget for approval by the full governing body and submission to the LA in line with statutory guidance and timescales. The FGB has delegated budget approval to the L&M Committee when this is required in order to meet statutory timescales.
- to monitor and evaluate expenditure of all monies generated by the school including grants and unofficial funds to ensure that spending provides best value and is linked to the school's agreed priorities
- to ensure that the Governing Body, Headteacher and relevant staff are managing finance in accordance with the school's Scheme of Financial Delegation & Control and the Council's Standing Orders, Financial Regulations for Schools and the School Financial Regulations and Guidance
- to comply with all the requirements of the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS), and to ensure SFVS Checklist Questions 2-7, 9-12, 16, 18-21, 23 and 25-30 are fully considered with clear minutes of such consideration and links to evidence.
- to provide financial information to the LA as required
- to appoint independent auditors to audit unofficial funds and submit audited accounts annually to the governing body for information
- to ensure that all insurances provide adequate cover
- to maintain a Register of Pecuniary Interests of governors and members of staff with financial responsibility
- to keep the affordability of the staff structure under review at least annually in response to the changing needs of the school (as described by Teaching & Learning Committee) and make recommendations to the governing body for amendments as necessary
- to ensure that all staffing matters are dealt with in line with employment law and agreed procedures and that no member of staff or job applicant is discriminated against on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age or disability
- to establish panels for the appointment of senior teaching staff (e.g. Headteacher and Deputy)
- to ensure that the training and development of staff and governors is linked to the school's agreed priorities and monitor the impact of training on standards
- to ensure that the school has effective systems of mentoring and inducting new members of staff and governors
- to liaise with, consult with, and provide information to, parents and the wider community on matters relating to the school's aims, improvement plans, expenditure and staff development as necessary