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Wonderful B4 Writing

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Inspired by the texts 'Treason' and 'The Executioner's Daughter', Base 4 have created some amazing writing. Their story tells of a young child in the crowd of the day of an execution- but who is the unlucky prisoner?

This is a section of writing written by Eleanor in Year 5;

'Standing there, the world stopped as I became aware of myself among the people. My hair, scruffy and soiled. My face, battered and bruised. My breeches, worn and torn. Would he even know it's me, know I'm there? I became familiar to my surroundings again. I was a few paces away from the gallows now. I could witness the Yeomen , marching forward towards me. Their prisoner huddled in the middle, so importantly guarded, making him nearly impossible to see.'

Well done- I can't wait to read the rest!

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