A great week back in the Summer term – the final term as year 5, but still plenty more to look forward to!
We have jumped into our new class text, 'Journey to the River Sea' and discovered our new topic, The Amazon Rainforest! We have explored chapter 1 and 2, looking at the meanings, how the writer has used language and pulling key information from the text. Doing this, we have been able to practise answering reading comprehension questions using full sentences, detail and examples from the text. Next week we are going to think about how Maia might be feeling at different stages through the story so far and write this in a diary format.
I have been very impressed during our maths lessons this week, all the children have tried extremely hard and shown me all the potential that they have. We have focussed on number and place value, ensuring we understand the numbers we are working with and applying our skills to a range of questions, including rounding, ordering, sequences and decimals. Following this we started to reason with the numbers through a range of problems, to deepen our understanding and understand concepts further. Next week we are going to re-cap addition and subtraction through a range of questions and problems to ensure our understanding is secure and then deepen it further.
We managed to complete our Spring term learning journey books and now they look fantastic, but our walls are definitely ready for new work. We have started the transformation of the classroom into a rainforest, using different materials and techniques to create the layers of a rainforest.
In Science we have started to investigate animals, including how to sort them into groups and habitats. We will continue to discover life cycles, understand what these are with a specific focus on humans. In PE we have started this term with athletics, whilst Mrs Pascall will be doing Kwic Cricket on Fridays.
Next week we are going to continue to developing our rainforest, but also start to discover the Amazon Rainforest in more detail.
Homework must be in school on time, as there are occasions when we work through homework in class. Times tables always need to be learnt, if new sheets or practise sheets are needed just ask. Spellings also need to be practised daily!
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich