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Upcoming Summer Term CNSSP Sorts competitions

13th May 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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Now that SATs have been completed, the sporting events will be resuming again. We have a variety of events coming up so keep an eye out for letters.

Next week, our Football team will be competing against other Nantwich Schools. On the 23rd May, our team are representing the school in a cricket competition. After half term, we have the swimming gala to look forward to and also Town Sports, which we will be entering a joint team with Sound again. Once children have been selected for Town Sports letters will follow along with any opportunities for practising.

Thank you for your support over the year so far in all of the sporting events. Without your support, these would not be possible and we have been able to provide a wide range of opportunities for all of the children.

Good luck to all chidlren taking part in upcoming sports events!

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