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Sporting Achievement Trophy

16th February 2019 – by B Cador
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Yesterday morning, I warmly welcomed Susan Cowley and her daughter Samantha in to school. Mrs Cowley had contacted me a while ago, following the sad news of her son Ian Cowley's death.

Ian was a popular and much loved resident in the village of Wrenbury and his passing away in the autumn saddened the community and those who knew and loved him. He lived in and loved Wrenbury very much and his family, who live away, wanted to give something to the village that would keep Ian's memory alive here. As Ian loved sport, they asked if they could present the school with a trophy in his name.

So yesterday, Susan and Samantha arranged to come into school to present the Ian Cowley Sporting Achievement Trophy to us. Izabel and William, two keen sporting stars at Wrenbury Primary, were honoured to receive the trophy on behalf of the school.

The trophy will be presented annually, at our Sports Day, to the winning House Team in memory of Ian. We are delighted that Mrs Cowley has kindly agreed to attend our Sports Day this year to make the presentation to the winning team.

In memory of Ian Cowley.

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