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Sharing Afternoon

14th January 2018 – by B Cador
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Thank you for taking the time to share with your child their autumn term's learning at our recent Sharing Afternoon.

The event was well attended and it is clear from feedback that parents and carers enjoy these opportunities, as summed up in the following comment: 'Always a positive experience to come in and look through X's work in a relaxed environment'.

At the end of November we held formal parent appointments to focus specificially on the children's literacy and maths and their progress across the autumn term. The Sharing Afternoons provide an informal opportunity for our parents and carers to learn more about what the children have been learning and the progress made across the whole curriculum.

The comments received reflected the pride that the children have when sharing their work, the good progress being made, the children's abilities to meet persoanl challenges in their learning and to learn from their mistakes. The following are a snapshot of the feedback given:

  • 'X enjoys learning and the challenges she comes across' (Y3)
  • 'it shows how well they are progressing . They were so proud to show off all their work.' (Y1 and 2)
  • 'It was very informative to see what X is doing in school and to share it with X' (Y4)
  • 'X's books were exciting and colourful' (Y3)
  • 'Brilliant work – I can't believe the difference between reception and Y1' (Y1)
  • 'It is evident that X is making good progress...which is lovely to see first hand' (Y2)
  • 'I know she is better equipped to take advice on how to improve her work, without taking it to heart like she used to' (Y2)
  • 'X has done some fantastic work. We are very proud of her and her books are wonderful' (Y3)
  • 'X was very keen to show me his work on the landsailers. He was very proud of the work he did on it and the design' (Y5)

On a personal note, thank you to ALL the staff for their commitment to the children in school, both academically and for their personal well-being, and continuing to make a positive difference. Thank you, too, to our parents (and grandparents) for their continued and valued support. Mrs Cador

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