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River Group Day 2

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What a fabulous day we have had. Blue skies, awesome activities and great friends- what could be better?
We started our day with the challenge course – a high ropes course in the sunshine. Something we all enjoyed.
After this, we went to the crate challenge where we had to build the highest tower of crates with very little space to work on. The higher the tower became the wobblier the structure. Everyone needed to help out, either belaying team members, sending creates to the teams or recording the points for the teamwork and construction.
Later on, we went outside to quest- the team had to work together to solve problems which would allow them to get out of the maze. The team work here was super, the children really came together to escape and win the quest.
Then we moved on to the zip wire where the children enjoyed zooming down the wire, throwing their beanbags at targets as they went. This was another of their favourites.
Our finally activity (before team games) was the piranha pool – this was such a blast! The children had to work to solve the problems to enable them to cross the piranha pool before they were released. They loved this- the giggles and shouts of joy were wonderful to listen to.
Finally, we joined with the rest of the Wrenbury group and enjoyed a great team game where we danced and played quizzes until it was time for hot chocolate. A great day had by all.

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