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Reading Week Update

5th March 2019 – by B Cador
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Our Reading Week has got off to a great start.

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The children have raised an amazing amount of money (over £700) that will be used to choose books from the Usborne Book Fair on Thursday to replenish and update our class libraries. Thank you to all the children who took part and to all the family members who sponsored them to raise such a great amount.
-Base 5 won themselves a £10 voucher to spend at the Book Fair with the highest number of minutes read collectively.
-Max Taylor Y6 won himself a £10 voucher as the KS2 child who read for the highest number of minutes and his sister, Olivia Y2, won herself a voucher to spend on a book of her choice as KS1 winner. Well done to you both!

Miss McKinnon came up with the great idea to ring the school bell at a different time each day during Reading Week, at which point all the classes would stop whatever they were doing and enjoy time reading. Yesterday it was Base 3's turn to ring the bell. Today it was Base 1's. The children were very excited to visit the classes and be the bell ringers.

At lunch time we welcomed Base 3 parents who came to join us for Pancake Day Parent's Lunch and they spent time sharing stories with their children.

After lunch, all the staff changed classes and found quiet places in and around school to take part in Story Swap. They reported back that they and the children had had a lovely time. Enjoy the photos.

Base 1 and Little Wrens invited mums and dads in to share stories with them before home time. Miss Pitchford has some lovely photos to share and will post them for you to see later this week.

We have lots more in the next few days as we look forward to World Book Day and dressing up as well as our Book Fair on Thursday.

A huge thank you to all for helping our Reading Week get off to a really fantastic start!

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