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Little Wrens News

14th June 2024 – by Miss Gregory
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Little Wrens, your hard work and enthusiasm have shone brightly again this week – shine your halos! Here is a snapshot of our week...

In mathematics, we have continued to build upon our knowledge and understanding of the numbers 1-5. This week our focus has been on the composition of number and we have been exploring the different ways that we can make each number, for example, to make 3, we can do 1+1+1, 1+2 or 2+1.

In phonics, our N2's have amazed me with their listening skills. We have enjoyed activities to support us hearing initial sounds in words and have played lots of games to develop hearing the blend in a cvc word – great job! The focus for our N1's continues to be hearing rhyme in words, this is quite tricky for many of us but i'm sure that if we keep on trying it will soon become a lot easier. Our rhyme of the week has been, Mary, Mary Quite Contrary. We have enjoyed singing this song in a range of ways.

The Very Busy Spider story by Eric Carle has once again led our literacy learning. This week, we have used actions to help us retell and recall the story. We have used the illustrations form the book to sequence the animals that the busy spider met whilst spinning her web and have drawn our own story maps to retell the story – wow!

To develop our fine and gross motor skills, we have printed with potato mashers, traced over lines and circles, focusing on our starting position, used tweezers to place pom poms on the spider web, played with parachute and we have taken part in lots of sticky kids sessions. Our N2's have also been working hard on forming letters within their name, lets just say that I am very impressed by their efforts!

During our Myhappymind sessions we had to use our listening skills. We read a story and each time we heard the word Rose we had to place our hands on our heads – great listening Little Wrens.

We have also taken part in small group activities to support our communication and language skills, focusing on understanding a word and building sentences.

Next week we are super excited for our well being week, we have lots of wonderful activities planned. And we can't wait to become sports stars on Thursday!

Enjoy your weekend Little Wrens,
Miss Gregory


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