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Learning and Sharing

7th July 2017 – by B Cador
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We pride ourselves on delivering hands on learning opportunities as much as we can for our children at Wrenbury. We understand that we all learn by doing, then talking about our learning before we have the first hand knowledge and understanding to write about it!

Base 4
Friday afternoon saw Base 4 creating their very own Talking Sticks as part of their Learning Journey focus on the Native Americans. Talking Sticks were made by individual Native Americans to allow them to present and express their sacred point of view, tell stories etc. Talking sticks were made from carefully selected materials that had a special meaning and significance to the maker. Talking Sticks were usually long, narrow, brightly coloured and adorned with furs and or feathers. Jonty is very proud of the one he made!

Base 5
Last week, as part of transition to high school, Brine Leas science teachers came into school to deliver a hands on afternoon of science to Y6. You can see our Y6 scientists investigating in the classroom in the photos. Y6 have had a brilliant year of practical and investigative science and many thanks goes to Mrs Clarke for delivering these lessons. The children loved dissecting the heart as part of their work on the circulatory system with thanks to Mrs King (Aoife and Orla's mum) and they had first hand knowledge of reseach science working alongside Keele University science department recently.

Base 3
Next week, we have Dan Boulton (Head of art at Brine Leas Scxhool) working alongside Base 3 on an art project.

Whole School
Road safety: GIST will be in school on Wednesday – to teach the whole school about keeping safe on the road and especially the dangers associated with lorries.The children will get the opportunity to climb aboard and sit in the lorry driver's seat to get a real sense of how difficult it is to be seen by a lorry driver and to get an understanding of stopping distances. A very important lesson for all the children (and adults).

Sharing Afternoons
Parents are warmly invited to our sharing afternoon sessions on Monday 10th 3.30-5pm and Thursday 13th 3.30-4.30 to look at and celebrate their child's learning journey this year. Refreshments will be available.


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01270 260656

Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich

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