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The Latest from Base 3

7th May 2018 – by S Heaton
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It's been another busy week. The children are really enjoying their Monday morning PE lesson – it's a great start to the week to get their brains fired up! We have been very persuasive this week in Literacy. Having created a real Egyptian game called 'Senet', we have been creating adverts for it this week. We found convincing people to buy something great fun playing with homophones and elaborate vocabulary.
In Maths we have been looking at Shape. The week began with creating 3D shapes from Playdoh – the children absolutely loved it and made me promise to let them have regular 'Playdoh time'. We have also been exploring the school site in search of different types of angles, photographing them and labelling them. Very practical, hands-on activities to really engage the children and keep them hooked! I hope they've told you all about it.
Also this week, we have been following the journey of the River Nile, we discovered that it began life as two rivers: the White Nile and the Blue Nile and only became one once it reached Sudan. The children have mapped its route through Africa and are looking forward to creating a 3D model of its journey.
How plants grow well is the area we are looking into in Science. This week, we put plants in lots of different places to test where they will grow best. We've got some in a dark cupboard, others in the fridge!, some planted in sand while others are having to live without water (like most of the plants in my room to be honest!) We will continue to observe them throughout the week before we draw our conclusions. Our sunflowers continue to grow (well most of them!) We're hoping to get them back outside this week now the weather has turned warmer.
Hope you've enjoyed the sunny weekend.

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