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Kind deeds and words

22nd March 2022 – by B Cador
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If you watch the news, we seem to live in a world often full of tragedy and despair, hurt, hate and anger. Yet, in amongst this, there is a world of hope and a desire to help, love and care, so... I'm writing this little note to say a huge 'THANK YOU':

...for your generous support of the Ukrainians in desperate need of help. All your donations were taken to Bridgemere School last Wednesday alongside those of other NEP schools in preparation for being taken to places where need is most. I was humbled at seeing all the contributions and knowing they will make a difference.

...for supporting the nations 'Red Nose Day', by wearing own clothes and paying a small donation. Every penny will help those who need a little support.

...to Evie, for showing us that love, tender care and nurturing can make a huge difference. Evie was rightfully celebrated in The Daily Express national newspaper a week last Monday for rescuing a neglected pony and bringing it back to full health (as mentioned in our ACHIEVE Assembly news article).

...to Base1 children for planting primulas in the front yard planters to make the school look more welcoming.

...to the parent who sent me a lovely uplifting message on Friday:
I hear it's been a bit of a tricky week and covid is trying to take over again :(.
I just wanted to say what a fantastic job you are ALL doing under the circumstances because it must be incredibly difficult!
My girls love coming in everyday and I have you to thank for that :)
Keep up the good work and I hope it eases again soon :)

...to the Hockey team that brought a huge smile to my face...it was the first time we had won (or had the chance to win) a tournament for a long time! Well done to each and everyone of the team!

...to our dedicated Wrenbury Team and our wonderful school family. Thank you for making Wrenbury School such a lovely school.

Bessa Cador

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