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Futsal Competition

10th February 2017 – by SS
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Yesterday, 8 of us travelled to Malbank High School to play in the semi final round of the new Futsal indoor competition. There were 3 other very good schools there and we knew we would have to play very well to get any kind of result. Unfortunately, we lost our first game 2-0 but we didn't let our heads drop. Our next game was against a very good school and we played our socks off. There aren't many exciting 0-0 draws but this was one of them! Some excellent saves from Charlie and some solid defending from Ethan kept them at bay and everyone pitched in to hold on for our most deserved point ever. The round of applause that both teams received at the end of the game was definitely deserved! Unfortunately needing to win our final game to progress we just couldn't find our way through their defence with their keeper this time pulling off some good saves and Ben Ho hitting the post with a fantastic strike from near the half way line.

Even though we didn't progress to the final round everyone who took part can hold their heads up high and be proud of making it as far as we did! You played in the spirit of the game and with a smile on your face! Well done everyone.

Ollie and Mr Sargeant

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