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First full week

16th September 2016 – by Mrs McGhie
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Well done foundation children for completing your first full week at 'Big School!' Although we started to have some tired looking little ones towards the end of the week, they have all worked hard and have settled into school life wonderfully.

We shared some more Treasure Boxes this week. I have been so impressed with how confident the children have been when standing at the front of the class and talking about their boxes- well done!

Some children have also brought in items from things they have been doing at home to share. We have learnt about butterfly chrysalises and how dandelion seeds are dispersed this week. It is great to share in the children's home learning and interests, so keep it up Base 1!

All the children have completed numeracy and literacy assessments this week and the Year 1 children produced some fantastic first pieces of writing entitled 'All about me.'

The children had their first French lesson with Madam Sharpe on Friday. She was very impressed with the foundation stage children and their knowledge of some French words. They learnt how to say Hello and Goodbye as well as counting to 6. The Year 1's joined the Year 1's in Base 2 for their French lesson. as well as on Friday afternoon for RE. The Year 1's also came together on Tuesday for a PE lesson with Sportscape which will continue every Tuesday.

Next week we will be working on our first class book 'Owl Babies' which will involve us going into our 'woods' at school, so please make sure all wellies are in school in case the ground is a bit wet! We will begin our phonics sessions and I will be sending home first reading books with reception children.

Have a great weekend Base 1, see you all on Monday!
Mrs McGhie

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