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Disappearing Caterpillars!

3rd July 2016 – by Ms Huntington
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Two weeks ago a little brown box arrived in Base 1. Inside were 33 very tiny but very hungry Painted Lady caterpillars!

We gave them a home and gave them some very special food called 'nutrient'. We were very careful when we put the tiny caterpillars into their new homes.

Since then we have watched and talked about how they are changing. It has been amazing how quickly they have grown, from tiny little black creatures to big, fat hairy ones!

Then on Wednesday the caterpillars disappeared!

We soon discovered that they had changed yet again and were no longer big, fat hairy caterpillars but very still, smaller creatures hanging from the lid of their homes!

We transferred the chrysalises to their new, very special butterfly home.

Each day we will check to see what happens next! It is so exciting.

We have written our very own caterpillar diary. Our drawing skills are coming along very well. We are very excited about drawing and writing the last part of our diary.

On Friday we had a very enjoyable afternoon, meeting Charlotte Middleton, the author. She read two of her own books to us and then we had fun colouring in some shorts for Christopher Nibble!

We are looking forward to our Ugly Bug Ball on Tuesday 12th July. Please come to school dressed as your favourite minbeast! We will have lots of fun.

Thank you
Ms Huntington, Mrs Parsons & Mrs Wimpenny.

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