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Crag Group Day 2

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Today the sun shone, and we embraced every moment of it. After a delicious (and rather filling breakfast), we went to our first activity- Quest. I'm this activity we went on. Knight's quest to prove that we had what it takes to be a knight. We had different challenges, in four different rooms to compete the task. The children had to apply problem solving, team work and listening skills to enable them to gain the code to reach the next room.

After this, we went caving! The children loved this- they explored the caves in pairs, crawling through tunnels and enjoying the hidden slide. After exploring, we worked in teams to rescue 'Purple Pete'. Each team had an item of equipment to find: a first aid kit, map, stretcher, and radio. Once each team found their piece of equipment they worked together to rescue Purple Pete, carefully bringing him out of the caves. It was lovely to see the respect the children had for each other, they helped each other to find their piece of equipment, even if it wasn't their own.

Our final activity before lunch was... giant swing. Oh my goodness, the children were excited about this activity. 'This is the BEST day of my life' was heard across the site as lots of the children cheered on the swing. The children had to pull the rope together to pull their teammates up to the highest point on the swing. Once they were nice and high, one parter pulled the dragon and down they dropped. Great fun!

Lunchtime was filled with delicious food and some great team games.

Our first activity of the afternoon was archery. Here we had to show real focus as we learnt how to shoot an arrow as accurately. I was impressed with the children's skill; they were much better than me! We then played games – just ask the children how to make pizza in archery!

The fourth activity of the day was Nightline; a real favourite of mine. Blindfolded, Crag team had to stick together to guide very team member over an adventure course. It was vital that they listened to their leader, shared the messages to those behind them while checking in on both the person in front and behind. The children supported each other so well, making sure that everyone knew what steps to take and that everyone was feeling ok.

Before dinner, we had our turn on the trapeze. This had ,multiple challenges to get through- climbing the wall and then jumping from a height. Some of us were very confident at this while others had to really push themselves. EVERYONE jumped from the top- I was so proud of this achievement. It is very difficult to conquer our fears and ALL of Crag team did this. Wow. Those who felt confident supported their team so very well, without it their friends would not have had the courage they needed to jump. Such incredible children.

After dinner, we enjoyed team games altogether before having hot chocolate and heading to bed. A great end to an awesome day.


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