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CNSSP Sportshall competition

22nd November 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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On Monday 20th November, our year 3/4 and year 5/6 team for the Sportshall competition went along to Malbank High School to participate in different indoor athletics activities against other rural Nantwich school.

Both teams participated very well and were could representatives for Wrenbury Primary School. The children had different relay races, some with 2 children and some with 4 children. Some races had different obstacles, including a reversaboard which is very challenging but everyone gave it a go. Whilst the track events were going on, some children were also taking part in different field events. These included javelin, chest, push, standing long jump, 3 bounds and vertical jump.

I was very impressed to hear that the children had tried their best and not given up when faced with a challenge. Thank you to Mrs Winward and Mrs Clarke who supported the children at this competition. Thank you also to the parents that supported with transport and stayed at the competition to cheer our team on. Well done to all the children who took part.

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