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Be Safe, Be Seen

11th October 2019 – by B Cador
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Thank you to Monty and Tyler for organising their first competition as our Road Safety Officers based around the important message of 'Be Safe, Be Seen' walking alongside roads in Autumn and Winter.

For EYFS and KS1, they had a colouring activity. The winners were: Emily and Lorelei Y2 and Anna in YR, who chose to colour the family with brightly coloured clothes..
For the KS2 competition, the children had to write a rap, poem or rhyme based on 'Be safe, be seen'. Here are the winning three entries.

Reefe Y3
High viz jackets
Their colour is green
And when you are on the road
You'll be able to be seen.
When it's dark at night
Make sure your clothes are bright.

Nancy Y3
In the deepest darkest winter months,
When the breeze gets colder and colder,
You could wear a florescent, reflective coat,
To make yourself look bolder!
You may think this a little strange,
But it's to keep you safe and sound,
Otherwise a car might mistake you for the road
And you'll go smack on the ground!

Kimberley Y4
In Autumn and Winter
It is important to wear,
Bright clothes like high viz in the dark.
You might be going to the shops or the park.
They come in all different colours,
Which will make you bright
When cars shine their headlights at night.
It could be raining or cold,
There could even be snow,
So it's safer if the cars can see you,
And can drive slow.


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