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Base 5

14th September 2018 – by R Charlesworth
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Crikey- where has this week gone? We have filled our week with so many learning activities that I can't quite believe that we have come to the end of it already!

This week we have begun our John Muir Award- exploring the wonderful Wybunbury Moss, walking, eating cranberries, and catching newts! I overheard one pupil saying to their friend ; "If you lived here, wouldn't you just come and walk every day...I would!"- the great outdoors is so appreciated by our wonderful children and this is just wonderful to watch.

In maths we have also been busy outside, learning about place value while being active in the great outdoors! In English we have been enjoying and engaging in the class book, 'Gorilla Dawn', exploring the text through drama and hands on activities- we have even ventured into our forest area where we too (like our main character Imara) poured water into the ashes of an old camp fire and experienced the way it trickled down our arms. This has led to some simply fantastic writing; take a peek at this written by one of our Year 6 pupils;

"Whispering trees tower over the humid ground, their leaves trembling on their bony branches. Climbing though a dense canopy, the mist was slowly ascending up to the fresh, free air above. The forest was trapped in silence. Nothing moved. Folded into the shadows, a young figure hovered nervously over the dark remains of a small campfire..."
Don't you want to read on? I do! Well done Base 5- your writing is just super.

We have also enjoyed time with our buddies, completed our first PE lesson as year 6 and ran our Friday assembly like clockwork! During this assembly Year 6 were presented with their badges for the roles and responsibilities that they have applied for- I have to say I was very proud of you at that moment.
Base 5- you are really embracing being a Year 6- well done, you should be very proud of yourselves.


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