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Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare


Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare Committee Terms of Reference 2022

Membership: The committee shall consist of not less than four governors. Membership shall include
the Head-teacher or member of the Senior leadership team (SLT) with responsibility
for pastoral issues. The committee may make recommendations to the governing
body for co-option of non-governors members and advise whether or not such
members should be given a vote.
Quorum: Three governors including a governor who is not an employee of the school.
Meetings: Once per term, or more frequently if deemed necessary by the Chair or majority of
Chair: Non-employee to be elected by the full governing body.
Accountability: The committee will report back to the governing body by submitting minutes which
record decisions made, actions to be taken and/or recommendations for

This committee has strategic oversight of the school in relation to:
-Behaviour management
-Attendance and punctuality
-Pastoral care
-SMSC development
-Little Wrens
-The Nest Out of School Club
-Community connections
-All relevant policies

  • to contribute, in collaboration with the staff, to establishing, monitoring, and evaluating the sections of the School Development Plan relating to the personal development, behaviour and welfare of pupils
  • to establish, monitor the impact of, and review all the school's plans, policies and procedures relating to the personal development, behaviour, and well-being of pupils
  • to ensure that policies and procedures are in place to promote the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of the children and to promote British Values and to review these policies and procedures
  • to ensure that the safeguarding is robust, and all staff (teaching and non-teaching) have undertaken the appropriate training and procedures are followed
  • to monitor how well pupils understand how to keep themselves safe online and through social networking
  • to monitor attendance and punctuality
  • to monitor the implementation and consistent delivery of the school's behaviour policy and to check the school's Behaviour Log
  • to monitor how the school deals with issues such as racism, bullying and inequality and how they are reported
  • to monitor the school's provision and care for supporting the emotional and social well-being of pupils
  • to monitor how well the school promotes the physical well-being of pupils
  • to liaise with, consult with, and provide information to parents and the wider community on matters relating to pastoral issues, and pupils' personal development and well-being
  • to promote school visits, enrichment, and extra-curricular activities
  • to promote the health and welfare of staff
  • to engage with all pupils through pupil voice
  • to support the staff in promoting good parent partnership and community involvement
  • to promote extended school facilities and community cohesion through the strategic management of Little Wrens (nursery provision) and The Nest OOSC provision.
  • to comply with relevant requirements of the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS), specifically checklist questions 4, 8, 22 and 24 are fully considered with clear minutes of such consideration and links to evidence
  • to take full account of the recommendations following the government's Sexual Abuse Review and seek assurance that School Leaders are executing all their responsibilities.
  • to ensure the school plays a role as part of a thriving local Community in Wrenbury.

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01270 260656

Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich

Wrenbury Primary School
© 2025 – Wrenbury Primary School