We have really delved into our learning this week, taking our understanding further by exploring our class text and going deeper in our learning. This hasn't meant we have sped up, in fact we have worked hard to slow everything down!
In English, we have been delving into a range of texts, which create a very scary atmosphere. We have been looking very closely at words and their meanings; considering why they were chosen, what impact they had and even other words which could also have been used effectively. We then moved on to the scary character of Shrike from our story for our writing. Using our reading experiences, we used words to create his image, again thinking about word choices and their significance. As well as this, we took the opportunity to develop our art skills; we combined images with charcoals and words to try and create an atmospheric sketchbook piece, which also deepened our writing skills. Here is a snippet of the writing that children created;
His charred, black ribs were wreathed with slithering, lifeless wires.
His ribs, bloodstained by bloody wars, oil stained by many repairs, choked almost every piece of human left in murderous Shrike.
Alongside the investigations into Shrike, we followed the city of London as it traveled across the hunting grounds. We have learnt about the city of London through a range of maps and aerial images. We learnt about their different purposes and how to read them. The children decided they wanted to make maps for tourists so they focused on special places in the city and then created their own maps. We then used our 6 figure grid reference skills (building on their prior knowledge of 4 figure grid references) to locate the landmarks. Then we looked further afield – looking at Europe (London's hunting ground). We again looked at a range of different maps with different scales and purposes. We looked at mountainous regions, forested areas and significant rivers. Using these maps, we plotted our own course for London, knowing we needed to hide from other cities, collect vegetation and water and travel safely over the terrain. Base 5 did a wonderful job at this; the conversations they had were so in depth and considered and they helped London to cross Europe safely. Well done.
In our maths we have been learning about multiples, common multiples and multiplying; something we will be carrying on with next week. Base 5 – you have been very focused this week, well done,
We also enjoyed our french lessons, PE and RE as well as a rehearsal for our harvest .
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich