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Anyone for owl pellets? Base 5 love them! As part of our John Muir Award we dissected owl pellets which was pretty gruesome! The children found hip bones, vertebrae and skulls hidden in the depths of the furry pellets they were given and loved it! We now have quite a collection of rodent bones in our classroom now! We also had a great time exploring the local environment; visiting the churchyard and the canal to 'pond dip' and bug hunt. We have all really enjoyed the John Muir project so far, we have worked hard on our project books and can't wait for our conservation task next week.

We have also continued with our English story writing this week, again I am blown away by the quality of writing that Base 5 produce, here is another sneaky peak from one of the class;
" The silence of the shivering trees was broken by the trampling of the cold-hearted men marching through the jungle. Thick air hung heavily over the dark rainforest, concealing the danger within. The silence cracked like a stick; the noise of the howler monkeys rose up above – they were fleeing this curious place. The men stopped, crouched and aimed."

In maths this week we have worked on more complicated calculations, looking at addition, subtraction and multiplication. We have worked though some very tricky missing number problems and really pushed ourselves out of our comfort zone.

We are also developing our topic books, adding some of our John Muir work and English writing. We have been swimming and although everyone is exhausted afterwards they are all having a blast and working very hard. We have enjoyed time with our buddies and run very successful assemblies – our News leaders were simply fantastic!

Another great week- thank you Base 5!


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