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Base 5 news

25th September 2016 – by B Cador
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We have continued working with focus this week.

Our maths has centred around place value form tens of millions to numbers with up to 3 decimal places. We have written large numbers in words and figures, increased and decreased by place value and ordered large numbers.

We have played with squared numbers, devising calculations to find a given total using all four operations and solved problems involving digital sums which needed us to think in a logical and methodical way to find all the solutions.

In literacy we have worked on securing our writing of dialogue, securing our speech punctuation. Through role play, we realised how even small gestures, sighs etc could impact on the meaning of the spoken word. We extended our dialogue by adding adverbial phrases to make the dialogue more meaningful to the reader and to suggest character and motives through actions.

In our reading, we again looked at inferential reading and were introduced to the first two contrasting opening paragraphs of The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byers. The understanding, questioning and developing discussion in class is great to see. The children are also enjoying being introduced to a wider range of reads.

We have continued reading Wolf Brother and Torak (our main character) has found the abandoned wolf-cub. We are starting to glimpse the relationship that will develop between the two.

Science – we continued with our work on Grouping and Classifying. The children created Leaf Fact-files and used the information to build a database in small groups. Using the information in the database they were then able to design their own individual keys to sort the leaves for easy identification. I have once again been impressed with their science language use to describe the leaves – well done Y6. All this work is feeding into our class Science book and our own Learning Journey books for this term.

Our timetable of RE and French went well and we have also worked on our roles as part of School Parliament this week.

PE – we were complimented about our very good behaviour at the swimming baths and Mr Eaton was told the children were a 'credit to the school'.

I'm glad to see so many of the Y6 wanting to take part in the Quad Kids competition this week. Mr Sargeant is delighted, too, that a number of Y6 girls want to join the Football club. Who knows, we may replicate the success of the Girl's Football team in 2015!

Miss Phillips commented that Y6 were more confident in leading their second whole school assembly this week!

Thank you to all the parents who attended our Pastoral Meeting on Wednesday and had the opportunity to meet Mrs Francis (our new deputy and Y6 teacher), who will be teaching the class from 6th October. As requested, the power-point presentation is attached to refer back to.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Mrs Cador

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