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Base 4

27th April 2018 – by R Charlesworth
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Another busy week has flown by in Base 4. This week the children have combined their work in English with their science- now planting a range of items in the school gardening area to see which, if any, will decompose. The children selected their materials with care, they then measured and weighed them before they were taken outside to be planted. Base 1 have also been interested in this topic so they came to join us- helping us weed the flower beds and then plant our items. All the children really enjoyed this, working with friends, outside in the fresh air, while carrying out a science project- wonderful. We will come back in 6 weeks to see what is left!
The children have also been busy developing their skills in geography- they are planning a route for the city of London to make its way across Europe. The children have been looking at the land and vegetation features of the landscape to plan their journey – however they have to be careful as other cities will be chasing them, should they hide or make a run for it? This is just a snippet of what we have been busy doing this week- I'm excited to begin our work next week...what will Base 4 get up to?

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