Well done Base 4! We have had a fantastic half term. Everyone has worked extremely hard and we have produced some fantastic pieces of work. We have really impressed Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward with our effort and we want to say a massive well done for this!
This week we have been focusing on adverbs, adverbial phrases and fronted adverbials which we can now use to improve our writing by adding more detail. We have worked very hard to master multiplication using partitioning and the grid method and everyone of us is now more confident which is a fantastic achievement. After half term we will carry on with division so keep practising your times tables!!
Your homework this half term is to observe the changes that happen as the seasons change from Summer to Autumn and research why these changes happen. This will help us with our Science work when we return to school. For Maths we have been given a sheet on multiplication using the grid method to ensure that we are confident using this ready for next term. MyMaths is a fantastic tool to help us with our Maths revision as there are booster packs that you can do to build confidence in certain areas. Please try these over the holidays.
We hope that you have a fantastic half term break and come back ready and refreshed for the final half of our term before Christmas.
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich