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Base 4 News

4th November 2017 – by R Charlesworth
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It has been lovely to have Base 4 back after half term and, as usual, we have been rather busy! In our English lessons we have been exploring concepts through Philosophy lessons. The children have been looking into what 'pushing yourself' really means and if this looks the same for everyone. We then moved our thinking on to testing – a subject that plays a huge part in our story book (The Windsinger), was this a good thing? The children had some excellent responses and were very good at thinking carefully about what they wanted to say. After this, we looked at the books we studied last half term and our thinking moved on to refugees; again the children were superb at thinking deeply about the topic and respecting each others differing opinions. The debates we had were brilliant! From this the children began to write letters to express their thoughts and ideas. Well done Base 4 – this isn't an easy thing to do.
In maths we have been looking at multiplication and division, learning written methods to help us answer more difficult calculations. We have been working really hard at looking at any mistakes that we make and finding the bit we can learn from- using our mistakes to further our learning; this is something we are getting much better at.
In geography we have been looking at maps and mapping, we have been looking closely at our village and drawing our own maps of the village, we have created small, detailed maps and we have even been working on a large scale version- these are looking fantastic.
In computing we have been looking at 'Event and Action' when coding, we know that we can program an 'event' which in turn will create an 'action', this is something very common in computer games and the children were able to create these and even begin to design their own games.
Our DT focus this week brought to us a part of our story where one of the main characters comes across something very strange. We initially used art / sketching to try to discover what it could be and then we looked again at the text. This 'strange thing' was actually a 'Land Sailer'; from this we looked at some designs of these and began a plan to create our own – I can't wait to see the children make and race them!
This is just a snapshot of all the children have done this week- they certainly have been rather busy!

I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy bonfire night- safely.

See you next week!

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