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Base 4 news

25th January 2019 – by Mr Lindop
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In Base 4, we have been learning more around our main topic of water this week and being very creative using the arts.

On Thursday, we had a very musical time this week with Mrs. Clarke in RE. We have been learning about the importance of water in religion and exploring our emotional responses to different forms of water, such as rivers, lakes and the sea. We used our reflections to compose music in groups to represent these emotions. Base 4 were terrific in this lesson and came up with some fabulous compositions, for which Mrs. Clarke awarded the whole class a star learner award in our ACHIEVE assembly on Friday.

In Maths, we started our work on fractions. We have had a lot of work splitting resources up to represent fractions and understanding what the numerator and denominator mean, using that to find equivalent fractions. We have also been learning about different representations of fractions, such as improper fractions and mixed numbers.

English has been a lot of fun this week. Having studied how dialogue is used in our class text, we had a go at creating our own dialogue between our 4 characters. We then rehearsed and acted out our scenes and wrote play scripts. I was really impressed with some of the dialogue that come out from our scenes and particularly Belle and Sophie who played Con brilliantly.

Finally, a special well done to Base 4 for their conduct and effort at swimming on Wednesday. I was delighted that the children work working really hard to improve their confidence in the water and even the swimming teacher said what a fantastic group of children we have at Wrenbury. Well done, Base 4 for representing the school positively to our community.


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