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Base 4 News

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Where is the time going? This week has flown by once again. In English we have delved deeper into the world of SPAG, edited and up-skilled our writing and used computing to give our non-fiction writing a realistic finish- they look great.
In maths we have continued to grapple with fractions decimals and percentages, using bar models to support our learning- they have been very useful and can help us out when things get tricky!
We have continued our geography, looking at the UK – what is it? The children have done a fantastic job of drawing the UK – including some of its physical features.
In science we have been looking into materials and their properties. We have been sorting and classifying- how many ways can we categorise materials? What are their properties and what would they be best used for? The children really tried to push their learning and think outside the box, well done.
We have been busy with our cricket and netball in PE this week and are getting excited about a competition that is coming up soon.
On top of that Base 4 won the attendance competition this week – go Base 4! Now we have to retain our title for next week, come on guys- we can do it!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to starting all over again next week.


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