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Base 4 news

12th November 2018 – by G Lindop
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Welcome back! We've had a great first week back after half term in Base 4. In the morning this week, we've been lucky to have Mrs. Charlesworth in with us for our English and Maths lessons. In English, we've studied the openings to two stories by Michael Morpurgo; Friend or Foe and Private Peaceful. We used our detective skills to find out facts about the main character, David and we have been using inference to decide whether he was going to war or being evacuated.

It's been a full week of multiplication in Maths. Base 4 are now all set up on Times Table Rockstars, which will help us to practice our times-tables and compete with pupils all over the world. Everyone now has a log-in which they can use at home and we've been really keen to get playing. We've also been learning how to complete the formal column method for multiplication.

With Mr. Lindop joining us as our new teacher, we have developed a new class charter together based on our school code of conduct, which everyone has agreed to. It sets out how we will respect, respond, be kind and listen to one another and create a positive learning environment for us all.

On Friday, we joined schools around the whole country for a BBC Live Lesson on Remembrance ahead of Armistice Day. We explored some of the emotions that we felt during remembrance, taking part in a moment's silence and reflecting on our own feelings. We also remembered some of those who died in the war and have started writing Remembrance haikus, which we completed this morning before our school Remembrance service. This was a really moving session and some of the work produced so far has been really thoughtful. Well done Base 4.

We started our second week with a special remembrance service, at which Lola and Charlie laid the school's wreath under the union flag on behalf of the school. Thanks to all the parents who came along for the service.

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