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Base 4 News

30th June 2017 – by SS
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Yet another busy week has flown by in Base 4 again!

We have worked exceptionally hard yet again and achieved so much!

In English we have been continuing with our adventure theme around Spy Fox. We have written our own adventure stories using Spy Fox as inspiration. The resulting stories are amazing and we worked very hard on these. In Maths we have looked at shape, space and measure including making 3D shapes out of marshmallows and converting units of measure from metric to imperial. There were plenty of us grateful for the metric system after that lesson that was for sure!!

In topic we have been working extremely hard on our topic books and have produced some fantastic pieces of work. We have created an information display on the different Native American houses and continuing with the theme of houses we then painted a tepee scene at sunset. The water colour effect was stunning and we have plenty of budding artists in Base 4!

Next week is yet another busy one! We have sports day on Tuesday (weather permitting) so please ensure that PE kits are in school for Monday!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Sargeant and Mrs Winward

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