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Base 4 news

28th February 2020 – by Mr. Lindop
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Wow! What a fantastic week in Base 4. The children have shown their achieve behaviours brilliantly, asking lots of wonderful questions, concentrating hard on their learning and always looking at ways to improve their work.

We've been learning about religion and the Viking and Anglo-Saxons, finding out about different Viking gods and learning about paganism and Christianity in the Dark ages.

In maths, we've been using our fractions and decimals knowledge to convert different units of length. We've had great fun using active maths and measuring each other in the hall!

In English, we've learnt about persuasive writing and how to use powerful language and rhetorical questions to convince someone to change. We've written adverts for vicious vikings to come be a hero and defeat Grendel. There were so many great examples of writing and when we shared them in the hall, Mrs. Broster and Mrs. Warner were even thinking of applying to become a warrior! Here's an extract from Taylor's writing:

"We are recruiting fearless fighters and vicious vikings to give Grendel a taste of his own medicine. What are you waiting for? You don't know what is around the corner, it could be glory or a noble death and get sent to Valhalla."

Have a great weekend.

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