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Base 3 weekly update

5th February 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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Another very busy week in Base 3 as usual!

In Literacy we have been writing our Newspaper report about Noi's missing cats from the Storm Whale in Winter. We have been focusing on using our plan and putting it into writing using full sentences that make sense whilst also writing in paragraphs. We had to make sure we used our Newspaper Toolkit to ensure we wrote the best report that we could, including a range of prepositions, adverbs and adjectives. Year 4 also had additional work on using fronted adverbials with the correct punctuation. Once we had written this, every child got some time 1:1 with myself or Mrs Heaton to check and edit our writing. It was then time to write our report in the style of a Newspaper report using columns, whilst writing up using our best handwriting we were also making improvements as we went along. Next week in Literacy we are continuing our journey through the Storm Whale in Winter with a timeline of events and a balanced argument.

In Maths this week, we have been working extremely hard on written methods of subtraction and applying this to a range of different problems. Some of us started with using practical resources to support our understanding of the concept which we then transferred into written methods. We worked hard remembering each step that we needed to take, including borrowing from the tens or hundreds column. Next week we are going to be moving onto written methods of multiplication starting with the grid method and progressing to the formal written method with columns. Make sure you're all learning your times tables as these are very important!!

In Science this week we started to explore magnets and the materials that are magentic. We found that materials containing certain types of metals were magnetic except for silver and gold. To do this we explored objects around the classroom and recorded our findings in a table, which we are getting better at all the time. Next week in Science we are going to be looking at different types of magnets and how magnets work.

In PE we have continued to develop our kicking skills with many different activities that are helping us to improve our control and precision when kicking or dribbling a ball. Next week we will be focusing on defending and attacking moving into game situations.

On Thursday morning, year 4 had the classroom all to themselves working with Mrs Heaton on adverbs and addition and subtraction, whilst year 3 joined year 6 for the second Popera rehearsal at Brine Leas High School. The singing was good and we are well on our way to being ready for the performance at the Victoria Hall in March. Leaflets about tickets for this we be coming home on Monday. The behaviour of every child from Wrenbury was outstanding for the duration of the morning, well done!!

It was lovely to see so many of you on Friday afternoon for our sharing afternoon, I hope you enjoyed looking through the children's work.

-Spellings – to be practised every day, the children are given the chance to look back at their spelling tests to see which spellings they got right and wrong, they are encouraged to make a note of this in their spelling book. I am encouraging independence as much as possible.
-Reading – needs to be done daily to improve fluency, understanding, spelling and writing.
-Homework – the whale report is due in this week.
-SWIMMING – Friday afternoon
-Base 3 Grandparents lunch – Wednesday 8th February

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