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Base 3 update

2nd October 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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Another week has flown by in Base 3, and it has been a busy one!

In Maths we have continued working with number and place value, focusing specifically on applying our skills or orering and comparing numbers to different questions. We then moved onto partitioning numbers into thousands, hudnreds, tens and ones to show that we undertsand the value of digits within numbers. We will be continuing with this on Monday as it feeds into addition and subtraction which will be our focus for the next couple of weeks.

In Literacy we completed our descriptive writing, by looking at a boring piece of writing and working out ways to improve it by ensuring different sentence openers are used, words aren't repeated and detail is included. We then applied this to our writing by editing our work. We moved onto story writing, but before we can start the writing we decided to do some role play to develop our ideas and make sure they are in order. Next week we will be putting a story back together to develop our undertsanding of ordering a story. This will be followed by our own stories that we will write. Our stories will be based around an adventure into the Indonesian Rainforest.

In DT we started to look at volcanoes, we carried out research to find out what they look like and then we designed our own that we would like to make. We discovered that volcanoes are not the shape of a triangle, but are in fact cones without the point. Next week we are conitnuing our DT project and we will be creating our own volcanoes using a range of techniques.

In Science next week we will continue to look at plants, but link it with habitats and animals, focusing on things that plants and animals need to survive and where they get these.

I would like to remind you of the importance of homework; we use homework to consolidate learning done at school to extend and develop the children's understanding of various concepts, along with learning how to apply these skills to different situtations. I will be starting to monitor homework very closely, checking where it is and is not being completed on time. The children have a Maths based homework (if it is on MyMaths they can complete it in school if access to the internet is limited at home), spellings (which follow our teaching), times tables (which underpin Maths) and a Literacy based homework. Please encourage your child to complete homework on time. If there are any problems with homework please do let me know, it is important that children have a go at homework!


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