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Base 3 News

25th May 2018 – by S Heaton
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What a lovely week we have had!
We have been using our research skills to find out about the River Nile which we have then used to write information reports.
Having tracked the journey for the Nile from source to mouth, we decided to create our own models of its journey. We began by creating the mountains and gorges out of papier mache, making sure our final layer was plain brown paper to make painting easier. Next we painted our models to represent the various landscapes which the Nile flows through.
As we have been looking at the Geography associated with rivers, we then labelled our models with our river words such as meander, source, confluence, delta and such like. I think you'll agree the children have done a fabulous job. They have loved every minute of the activity.
In Maths, Year 3 have been looking at capacity while Year 4 have been looking at position and direction – you may have noticed the giant grid on the play ground. They have all really enjoyed the practical aspects of their learning this week.

Enjoy half term

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