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Base 3 news

21st January 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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A very busy week for Base 3 yet again with everyone working hard and plenty of exciting learning going on.

On Monday morning our classroom seemed to have a few extra items that had been left behind. We has shells, sand, rope, netting, small pictures of a character, a bucket, a fishing net and fish. We had to become detectives to record what had been left behind in our classroom. We worked on describing the objects and being very specific by using our senses. Our use of adjectives was very adventurous and some of us used a thesaurus to develop our vocabulary further. This was the start to a book that we are going to be using over the next few weeks to lead our Literacy, our book is 'The storm whale in winter'. We then focused on the main character from the text, Noi. We discussed what we could find out about Noi from a picture and then used a variety of emotions on a feelings scale to show how he might be feeling. This was all to help us with planning and writing a character description about Noi. These character description were very well written with a wide range of vocabulary being used. Not only was the content of our writing very good but I have seen a dramatic improvement in haand writing aswell. Next week we will continue with our story, which will lead to writing a newspaper report.

In Maths we have been counting in multiples making sure we are fluent with this. We looked at a range of problems and sequences as well as finding common multiples and then applying this to caroll diagrams. The children have a challenge to be able to count up in multiples of all the times tables they know, as quickly as they can in order to apply it in Maths. Next week we will be moving onto formal written methods of addition and subtraction.

We began our new unit of Science this week, which is forces. We discovered that push and pull makes certain objects move. Following this we decided to investigate the speed it takes for a vehicle to travel 1m on different surfaces. Everyone carried out this experiment well and learnt how to record results in a table. This will be written up as a scientific report next week and then we will move onto other forces that make objects move.

We had a very different day on Thursday, a very exciting visitor came in to school to tell us all about his work. Paul Geraghty, who travelled all the way from London, joined us for the day to explain his work to the children and give children some illustrative skills to produce pieces of art work. It was an excellent day enjoyed by everyone!

Next week is another busy week, the RNLI will be in school on Monday afternoon and will be working with Base 3 and 4. We also have swimming on Wednesday, don't forget your kits.

Please remember to do your homework!!! It is important that you are reading as much as possible, practising your spellings and times tables regularly and completing any activities sent home to consolidate learning.

Keep up the hard work Base 3.


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