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Base 3 News

13th October 2017 – by S Heaton
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99% attendance – well done Base 3! Great to see you all in school and working so hard.
In Literacy, we've been writing stories showing that we can extend our sentences using conjunctions and choosing powerful vocabulary to make our reading exciting. We have been looking carefully at our own personal targets and making sure that we are aiming to achieve them in each and every piece of work.
In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting numbers. As well as adding and subtracting as you would imagine it we have also been exploring calculations with missing numbers and have become secret agents trying to solve mysteries.
Our brass lesson are coming along really well and we are well on the way to being ready for our performance on 30th November. Mr Birch has asked that, if the children are allowed, the look at a song on You Tube called 'Hey Mr Miller' so they can familiarise themselves with it.
This afternoon we have welcomed Mrs Sanders, IT and Computing teacher from Brine Leas and school governor, to work with us using microbit technology. The children have really enjoyed how to program led lights and have even created a musical banana!
Sportscape is continuing to be lots of fun – the children are lovely learning all about Tag Rugby – it's great to see the coloured tag flying round the field while attached to the children. Their fitness levels are really developing.
Finally, we were so proud of all the children during the Harvest celebration but I was particularly proud of Base 3 who spoke beautifully and clearly and sang their hearts out.
Looking forward to next week with lots more fabulous learning to look forward to.


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