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Base 3 News

1st October 2017 – by Mrs Heaton
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Another week has flown by in Base 3! The children have been working extremely hard in their Literacy lessons. We have been looking at how different characters feel at various points in the story to help us empathise with them. We have also been putting ourselves in their shoes by acting out conversations that may have taken place during the story. Leading on from this we have been looking at how to use speech in our writing.

In Maths we have continued working on place value, this week focussing on rounding numbers and using our problem solving and reasoning skills. You Tube has come to our aid while we were trying to make our times tables more fun and exciting to learn. Singing these songs on a daily basis has already had a very positive impact on the children's times table test results – they seem determined each week to improve – I've seen real resilience and resourcefulness in their attitude to learning.

On Thursday we took advance of the sunshine and set up our shadow stick so that we could further study 'Light' in Science. We tracked the path of the sun throughout the day. The children had lots of questions as to why the shadow had moved but yet also grown longer and shorter throughout the day. We also taking the opportunity to go on a shadow walk, drawing and examining all the different shadows that were to be found around the playground. We will be looking into the answers to these questions during Science this week.

We are already looking forward to continuing our learning journey next week as well as welcoming you in on Wednesday to our Base 3 Parents Lunch.

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