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Base 3 news

13th November 2020 – by Mr Lindop
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Another busy week in Base 3 with everyone engaged in their learning and trying their hardest.

This week, we've been exploring the life of the navvies who built the canals over 200 years ago. Base 3 did some fantastic drama and created some freeze-frames showing how hard their job must have been. We used this to start writing diary entries as the navvies.

On Wednesday, we marked Armistice Day by paying our respects at the front of school in front of he flagpole. The children took a moment to reflect and remember those who had fought and died for us as we heard the names of those from our pas Wrenbury family read out.

We've also been putting together some fantastic learning journey pages to this term. We've been focussing on our RE work, learning about baptism in Christianity and the importance of water in religion. We've even done some mindful watercolour painting on Thursday afternoon, preparing our maps of the River Jordan, where Jesus was baptised.

I've also been really impressed with how the children in Base 3 have kicked on in their reading this week, with reading records from our daily reading filling up nicely. We have just had a new deliver of books from the education library service and I can't wait for the children to start enjoying some new love-to-read books.

Enjoy the weekend!

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