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Base 2 update

19th June 2016 – by Miss Davies
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Hello Everyone,

We have had a great week in Base 2! The children have spent some time staining their own treasure maps using teabags in art and then they used those maps to draw a key and add detail for the pirates in geography.
In ICT this week we have used the I-pads to research facts about lighthouses and seagulls. We really enjoyed these sessions investigating and finding our own information. We will use what we have found to complete different activities in literacy next week.
The history of the Titanic has been a focus again this week, the children have watched video clips explaining all about the key events that led to the ship sinking. We have also addressed the questions from last weeks session, finding out that the name Titanic means gigantic. The children produced some wonderful Titanic fact sheets using the information learnt from the video clips and class discussion.
In maths the children have been focused on fractions of shape and amounts and next week we will finish this topic before recapping on some number work.

Miss Davies

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