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Base 2 News

21st April 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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This week has flown by in Base 2. I have really enjoyed hearing all about everybody's Easter adventures.

In literacy we have learnt, retold, rewritten and edited one of our traditional tales, Little Red Riding Hood (all in four days!). This was a great opportunity for the year 2 children to practise writing their exclamation sentences and the year 1 children started using an exclamation mark for effect in their writing. We have thought about what a traditional tale is and how they get passed on, often verbally. This has been in preparation for looking at a traditional tale from Africa which we read on Friday and will look at in more detail next week.

I have been particularly impressed with how focussed everyone has been on their maths work this week. We are getting better and better at approaching maths problems with a positive attitude and knowing that it is okay to have a few goes at a question before we get it right. After consolidating some work on addition on Tuesday we have been looking at subtraction this week. The year 1 children have been working on subtraction within 20 and then were challenged with some complicated missing number problems. They used a tens frame and counters to help and did a super job! The year 2 children have been working on strategies for subtracting 2 2 digit numbers. They have been partitioning the numbers into tens and ones and subtracting them separately to find the answer. Some children have also been using a number line to answer some more complex questions.

Our afternoons have been just as busy this week. The children have planned and independently written a book report about their favourite story we read last term. The reports are fabulous and include some great recommendations!

Our science focus was on everyday materials. The children were tasked with labelling different areas of the classroom to show what material different things were made of. Each group then gave a short presentation and talked about the qualities of each of the materials they had found. You will see them labelling away in the pictures on this post!

We have also checking in on our broad beans this week. You will see that all this sun and rain is doing them the world of good and they are shooting up nicely. Stay tuned for more updates!

I hope you are all enjoying this lovely sunny weekend.
Miss Pitchford.

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