What a busy week of learning it has been! Every week now the children are becoming more and more independent and taking more responsibility for their work, I am really proud of how hard they are working.
We started our literacy work this week by writing a recount of the adventures of the stick Stanley threw into the sea. The children produced some lovely, imaginative pieces of writing. We have now moved onto looking at some traditional tales and fairytales, this will be our focus for the rest of the half term. We have worked in groups to sequence and re-tell some traditional tales. We also looked at the front cover of the Anthony Browne book 'Into the Forest'and made predictions about the book based on our background knowledge and what we could see in the picture. Next week we will be looking again at this book and trying to work out which traditional tale it reminds us of. We have really enjoyed reading and chatting about some hilarious topsy-turvy, mixed up fairy tales – we will look at some more next week!
In maths we have continued our work on addition and subtraction. We have been consolidating and building confidence with using number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as using this knowledge to solve some challenging problems. We have had to think very carefully about how to start solving the problems and use lots of concrete and pictorial resources to help. We have also been learning how we can use our number bonds to help us when starting to use bigger numbers in our maths problems. This week we have started doing some short mental maths sessions, everyone really enjoyed these and we will be doing some more next week.
In geography we have been learning about compass directions. We learnt some rhymes to help us remember the order of North, South, East and West (ask the children if they can tell you them!) and some of us even made up our own. We looked at maps of Wrenbury and the local area and enjoyed finding some towns or villages located North, South, East and West of Wrenbury. It was lovely to work with the children whilst they explored the maps and spotted their home towns and villages, or those they know well.
In science we learnt about why all the green leaves on the trees are all turning autumnal oranges, yellows and reds around us at the moment. We did an exciting experiment that allowed us to see all the colours hidden under the dominant green in the leaves. We have also made and decorated our own wind socks. Next week we will be using these in our investigation to find out where on the school grounds is the most windy. This will help us know where to go for shelter as the weather gets cooler and more blustery!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday.
Miss Pitchford
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich