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Base 2 news

10th March 2019 – by Miss Phillips
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What a fantastic reading we have had in Base 2!

Our week began with a classroom full of amazing homework projects all about one of the five oceans and the animals that live there. I am extremely impressed with the effort all of the children have put into these, they should be very proud of themselves. We also had an extra treat as one of the children's projects was edible. Liv baked a lovely cake that when we cut into it showed the layers of the ocean. Well done Base 2!

In Literacy we had an author focus this week. We learnt about Benji Davies and how to write a biography. We explored an example of a biography that helped us to write a biography using the correct features. We then learnt a wide range of facts about the author, organised them under subheadings and ordered them as our plan for our writing. Then we put pen to paper and wrote a biography about Benji Davies. Next week in Literacy, we will be finishing our work on the Storm Whale in Winter by retelling the whole story with some of us adapting the story to be our own.

In Maths we have worked very hard with money this week. We have identified the coins and the value of each coin. We played some games with matching coins to their amounts and numicon. We have also been adding and subtracting coins and making amounts using the coins. Next week we will explore giving change and move onto learning how to tell the time.

Every day this week, the reading bell has been rung which meant we stopped everything, got out reading books out and read for 15 minutes. This was a lovely opportunity to see how much the children enjoy reading and it meant we could hear the children read a variety of texts.

On Tuesday afternoon, Miss Nicholson, who writes and illustrates children's stories, brought one of her stories in for us but she hadn't managed to illustrate it yet and asked the children in Base 2 to help her. Each child had a section of the story and used the style that Miss Nicholson does to create illustrations for each part of the text. The children produced some lovely illustrations and hopefully we will see their illustrations put together with the story to enjoy.

O Tuesday afternon we also took part in a story swap, where all of the staff swapped classrooms and took their favourite books to read to other children in school. Mr Lindop and Mrs Clarke came to share their stories with Base 2 which was lovely and they very much enjoyed it.

Thursday was World Book Day and it was great to see the variety of costumes that the children had chosen to wear from their favourite books. It was a great day to celebrate all of the fantastic books that we have access to at school and home.

I would like to thank Mrs Wilkinson, who came into Base 2 as a mystery reader and read one of the Benji Davies books with the children.

I hope you all enjoyed our reading week and are inspired to read even more.

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